15 upcoming Brazilian movies

Every two months you will find here all the latest Brazilian films released. Get some popcorn and enjoy!

1 – O palhaço –  brilliant actor Selton Mello directs and acts in this comedic drama of a clown in crisis, touring small towns of the state of Minas Gerais.  It is a mix of Fellini’s movies with the classic “Bye Bye Brazil”.


2 – Cortina de fumaça – documentary by Rodrigo Mac Niven about the drug war and anti-drug policies, both in Brazil and abroad. Does the drug-free world utopia make any sense?


3 – O homem do futuro  – romantic comedy by Cláudio Torres with Wagner Moura and Alinne Moraes. A scientist accidentally goes back to the 90s and has a new chance of seducing the woman of his dreams.


4 – 180º a love triangle directed by Eduardo Vaisman

5 –  Elvis & Madona, by Marcelo Laffitte, a transgender romantic comedy.

6 – Tancredo,a Travessia – documentary by Silvio Tendler about Tancredo Neves, the president that never was. The politician of Minas Gerais, famous for his discrete articulation power, was meant to be the first civil president after years of military rule, in 1985 – but died a few days before the beginning of his government. Interviews with his grandson, Minas governor Aécio Neves, former presidents Fernando Henrique Cardoso and José Sarney shed some light on Tancredo’s way of doing politics.

7 – Família vende tudo – comedy by Alain Fresnot. A family in financial trouble plans to get the daughter pregnant by a famous singer.  Great cast, including Lima Duarte, Vera Holz and Caco Ciocler (who frequently interprets evil lawyers and now interprets a sertanejo star).

8 – O mineiro e o queijo  documentary by Helvécio Ratton about queijo minas, the famous white cheese produced in the state of Minas Gerais.

9 – Trabalhar cansa, drama by Juliana Rojas and Marco Dutra describes the tension growth in a family when the homemaker decides to open a small market and hires a maid to take care of the house and her daughter. Not a feminist movie, I guess.


10 – O filme dos espíritosDrama based in the work of French Spiritualist Allan Kardec, directed by  André Marouço and Michel Dubret.



11 – Meu país – drama by  André Ristum, with Cauã Reymond, Rodrigo Santoro and Debora Falabella, three siblings separated physically and emotionally for years.

12 – Rock Brasília – documentary by Vladimir Carvalho about the golden era of Brasília rock, in the eighties and nineties, when great bands like Legião Urbana were composing the soundtrack of my generation.



13 – Uma professora muito maluquinha children movie inspired in a character by cartoonist Ziraldo, an unconventional teacher.

14 – A fuga da mulher gorila – drama by Felipe Bragança and Marina Meliande. Two sisters in a Kombi van travel in the state of Rio, presenting a circus show.


 15 – Amanhã nunca mais – great actor Lázaro Ramos anchors this dramatic comedy directed by pioneer video artist Tadeu Jungle. A never-ending night of confusion in São Paulo.



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