Anthony Bourdain, host of one of the coolest food shows on TV, offers us a great opportunity to discover the Amazonian culinary, its exotic fish and fruits, memorable dishes and bizarre tastes. In a recent visit to the region, “the last great undiscovered culinary frontier” – to quote the king of avant-guarde cuisine, Ferran Adriá – he reported tasting sessions of tacacá, jambu, filhote fish and other delicacies you find basically nowhere else. Enjoy this foodie trip with the Travel Channel. The program, originally aired in April in the US, can be watched on Youtube (sorry for the less than great film quality):
And here are Part 2 and Part 3.
Read also: 10 unforgettable Brazilian dishes
Although Anthony Bourdain – no reservation is not my favorite show on Travel Channel, I was lucky to watch this specific travel he made to Amazonia. I had no idea our food would be so exotic even for a man who is used to travel all over the world, and tests all kinds of food.
Anthony Bourdain, the best true open minded person with a tv show where traveling and food is involved. I’ve met him once in NYC and talked about Brazil and Surinam with him. So far, of all the known tv figures in the USA is capable to understand, out of himself,meaning his own study, that Brazil is far more complex that people imagine and I was suprised that he understood that culture of Brazil goes by the 5 regions. What I heard from him, thought me of how he thinks when he travels and taste the food. In my opinion, he has the best paid job in the world.
Lucky you, Nicholas. Bourdain seems to be a Renaissance man, something as rare as fascinating. I would love to meet him too. And yes, I want his job.
that Brazil is far more complex that people imagine and I was suprised that he understood that culture and the “food” of Brazil goes by the 5 regions
Yes, I was very lucky that I met him, because the topic was actually about the economy of the US, but changed when I explained him where I’m from and my roots.