The winners of the main Brazilian literary award, Prêmio Jabuti, were announced yesterday. Among them, “Ribamar”, by José Castello, considered last year’s best novel; “1822”, by Laurentino Gomes, the best journalistic book, and “Em alguma parte alguma”, by Ferreira Gullar, that got the poetry award.
The Best Cover Award went to João Baptista da Costa Aguiar, that created a sober cover for “Invisível”, the Brazilian version for Paul Auster’s “Invisible”, edited by Companhia das Letras.
You will find here the list of book covers that got the award in past years. (Tip: 2007 was a particularly inspired year)
1º – O resto é ruído – Escutando o século XX – cover by Retina 78, published by Companhia das Letras.
- 2º – Salas e Abismos – cover by Zot Design, Rara Dias, Ana Carolina Carneiro and Paula Delecave, published by Cosac Naify.
- 1º – Moby Dick – cover by Luciana Faccini, published by Cosac Naify.
- 2º – O Jovem Stalin – cover by João Baptista da Costa Aguiar, published by Companhia das Letras
- 3º – Introdução à Filosofia – cover by Rex Design, published by WMF Martins Fontes
- 1º – Ensaios Sobre o Medo – cover by Moema Cavalcanti, published by Editora SENAC São Paulo and Edições SESC São Paulo.
- 2º – Alexandre Herchcovitch (Coleção Moda Brasileira – Vol. 1)– cover by Elaine Ramos, published by Cosac Naify Edições
- 3º – As Moedas Contam a História do Brasil – cover by Marcelo Aflalo, published by Magma Cultural e Editora
- 1º – Ferdydurke – cover by Elisa Cardoso, published by Companhia das Letras
- 2º – Lampião e Lancelote – cover by Luciana Facchini, published by Cosac Naify.
- 3º – 50 Poemas Escolhidos pelo Autor/ Manuel Bandeira – cover by Elaine Ramos, published by Cosac Naify.
Regina – absolutely delighted with this post. I’m very interested in Brazilian literature – and on a side note, I’m self-publishing a book of my own and getting the cover designed as we speak.
One of the big challenges though is that it’s very difficult to find any English-translated contemporary Brazilian novels here in Vancouver, Canada.
Wondering if you know of any translated books out there or if anything is actually happening in that regard.
Cheers and keep up the great work. Love your blog.
Thank you so much, Keith.
I have no clue about translations of contemporary Brazilian novels, but I think this is a topic that deserves a post. I hope to be able to publish something in December. Stay tuned.
Now, tell me, what is your book about? Is it somehow related to Brazil? In that case, let me know…