Swan Lake meets street dance

John Lennon da Silva, a mind-blowing 20 year old street dancer, interprets the scene of the swan’s death, from Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake – one of the most dramatic moments of classic ballet. He is a candidate of  “Se ela Dança, eu Danço“, a TV contest show that displays talented Brazilian dancers. In a tragicomic moment of his audition,  he makes one of the judges cry like a small baby; another one offers him a stand up ovation, while the show hostess has no clue what is going on.


  1. Absolutely stunning presentation. I watched it over and over today. Being from Brazil, I can see that boy growing in a humble family and all of a sudden finding his path (maybe by luck) and creating something totally new. It was very touching and brought tears to my eyes as many times as I watched it!
    However, that stupid blond is painful to watch. I’d like to know where her accent is from, I don’t get it. It sounds awful to my ears, anyway!
    Viva John Lenon da Silva.

    • I know! That girl is so scarily clueless that she almost – almost – distracted me from John Lennon. Beauty without brains must be a burden.

  2. It’s funny to read all the comments left at Youtube. If there’s someone serious in that program, that woman should be fired. Interesting how her reaction caused more extreme emotions than the dance itself! Or maybe it was the contrast of feelings (pure beauty / pure arrogance) that made people even more outraged.

    • Totally agree. What impresses me is the fact that his dance is pretty transcendental – you don’t really need to know dance, as I don’t, to see his value and be moved. You just have to be human.

  3. I came across John Lennon Da Silva by accident on youtube and thought it was a very credible and moving interpretation of a classic piece, you have to be brave to attempt such a thing but it certainly worked for me.
    I dont speak any other than English so could someone please inform me the gist of what was said by the judges?…was that a self learnt thing or did John have a dance teacher?..thanks for any info anyone might offer!

    • The guy really gave me goose bumps. Plus, he is so unassuming – probably still doesn’t realize what he has in his hands.

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