Olinda, in Pernambuco state. Photo by Prefeitura de Olinda/ Flickr
Almost all Brazilian cities were constructed around a central square which generally includes the main church or cathedral, gardens, cement benches, a fountain and, in many cases, also the city hall and a prison. Frequently, there is also a bandstand that may host musical shows or political speeches. Check some of these cool examples of bandstands – coretos in Portuguese – and feel the nostalgia.
Olinda once again. Another promotional photo by Prefeitura de Olinda/Flickr
Praça do Ferreira, in Fortaleza, capital of the state of Ceará, in the twenties. Photo from Wikipedia
Praça Batista Campos, in Belém, capital of the state of Pará. Photo by Papy Leite/ Flickr
This and the following photo were taken at Praça da Polícia (Police Square) in Manaus, capital of Amazonas state. Photo by ACMoraes/ Flickr
Photo taken in Rio by Thiago Melo
Avaré, state of São Paulo. Photo by José Reynaldo da Fonseca/ Wikipedia