Brazilian ballet – but you can call it capoeira

Few export products are as successful as capoeira, the Afro-Brazilian martial art that mixes dance and music in exquisite way. You can certainly find a good capoeira school near you, no matter if you are in Lithuania or China.

If you still didn’t fall for it, you will, after watching this beautiful video, made by D’un Autre Monde, a French group that produces coreographies inspired by capoeira.

Check also this post, about “Besouro”, a film about a famous capoeirista who defied gravity and the Devil. Choreographed by Huen Chiu Ku, that worked in “The Matrix” and “The Tiger and the Dragon”, it has been recently released in Brazil and is beginning its international career.


  1. Hm, i alway get pissed off when capoeira is called a dance, or even ballet. it’s a nice ‘ballet’ then once your teeth fly out of your mouth if u miss to escape a foot kick, or if your arm is broken. guys, capoeira is not a dance, it’s a total martial art!

    • I am preparing a very big post about capoeira that will discuss different trends and show how some groups decided to concentrate on the martial aspects while others definitely work on an artistic approach. It should appear in late January. Please, do come back and give your insights about all this.

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