Ever wondered why famous Brazilian satirist Millôr Fernandes got such a bizarre name?
Here is the story, told by Millôr himself: his parents wanted to call him Milton, but the notary, semi-literate, like so many, misunderstood their writing. Everything went well in the first three letters. Then, because the T was not properly cut, he interpreted it as an L. The cut of the T became the accent over the O. And the N became an R. MILLÔR.
In my own family I had a few such stories. The best one: my aunt was registered in Porto Alegre as Guinda, when her name was supposed to be Gilda. The family would say, as a consolation prize, that there was effectively somewhere in Europe a type of prune called guinda…
Naturally, notaries are not the only ones to blame for bizarre christenings. Some Brazilian families are way beyond creative. Take the Rosados, influencial in Rio Grande do Norte state in the first half of last century. Patriarch Jerônimo Rosado, a pharmacist, decided to number his many, many boys, in French. First boy, Un Rosado. Second, Deux Rosado. And so on till Vingt-un, the 21st.
Also, let’s not forget the Brazilian saint patrons of bizarre names, guitar player Pepeu Gomes and singer Baby do Brasil, formerly known as Baby Consuelo, that conceived and named ‘Riroca, Nana Shara, Zabelê, Pedro Baby and Krishna Baby (previously mentioned in the post What’s in a Brazilian name?)
A Brazilian blog, Rei da Cocada Preta, made a list of absurdities, found mainly in public records and books. Some are really tough to believe. Among them:
Abrilina Décima Nona Caçapavana Piratininga de Almeida (a lady obviously born in Caçapava, a city of the state of São Paulo, on April 19).
Aeronauta Barata (Aeronaut Cockroach)
Agrícola Beterraba Areia (Agricultural Beet Sand)
Amável Pinto (Adorable Chick/Penis)
Amazonas Rio do Brasil Pimpão
Amin Amou Amado
Antonio Manso Pacífico de Oliveira Sossegado (a very, very calm and pacific man)
Antônio Morrendo das Dores (dying of pain?)
Antônio Querido Fracasso (dear unsuccess?)
Antônio Veado Prematuro (premature deer?)
Arquiteclínio Petrocoquínio de Andrade
Ava Gina (an homage to Ava Gardner and Gina Lolobrigida – and also to the feminine anatomy)
Barrigudinha Seleida (A girl with a somewhat prominent belly)
Baruel de Itaparica Boré Fomi de Tucunduvá
Bizarro Assada
Cafiaspirina Cruz (inspired by the caffeinated aspirine)
Caso Raro Yamada
Céu Azul do Sol Poente (this one would be popular in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where I lived till a few days ago, a hippie haven where you meet girls called Sunday Peaches and Sunset)
Chevrolet da Silva Ford
Colapso Cardíaco da Silva
Comigo é Nove na Garrucha Trouxada
Disney Chaplin Milhomem de Souza
Estácio Ponta Fina Amolador
Éter Sulfúrico Amazonino Rios
Faraó do Egito Sousa (yes, you got it right: Egypt’s pharaon)
Finólila Piaubilina
Flávio Cavalcante Rei da Televisão (a reference to a famously bad tempered TV host)
Graciosa Rodela D’alho
Himineu Casamenticio das Dores Conjugais (delicious name that refers to the marital pains)
Holofontina Fufucas
Hypotenusa Pereira
Ilegível Inilegível
Inocêncio Coitadinho
Janeiro Fevereiro de Março Abril (January, February of March, April)
João Cara de José (he is João, but looks like a José)
Joaquim Pinto Molhadinho
José Casou de Calças Curtas (José married in short pants)
Letsgo Daqui (Let’s go away)
Manoel de Hora Pontual
Marciano Verdinho das Antenas Longas (Greenie martian of long feelers)
Maria da Segunda Distração (Second distraction Maria. I suppose the parents forgot to use a condom for the second time)
Maria Privada de Jesus (Jesus toilet Maria)
Maria Tributina Prostituta Cataerva
Naida Navinda Navolta Pereira
Napoleão Sem Medo e Sem Mácula
Natal Carnaval
Necrotério Pereira da Silva
Olinda Barba de Jesus
Orlando Modesto Pinto
Otávio Bundasseca
Pacífico Armando Guerra
Padre Filho do Espírito Santo Amém
Pália Pélia Pólia Púlia dos Guimarães Peixoto
Penha Pedrinha Bonitinha da Silva
Peta Perpétua de Ceceta
Plácido e Seus Companheiros
Primeira Delícia Figueiredo Azevedo
Primavera Verão Outono Inverno
Produto do Amor Conjugal de Marichá e Maribel
Rolando Caio da Rocha (Rolling fell from the rock – Rolando is indeed a name, but also the verb to roll)
Rolando Escadabaixo (Rolling down the stairs)
Rômulo Reme Remido Rodó
Rodrigo Falecido de Brasil
Simplício Simplório da Simplicidade Simples
Soraiadite das Duas a Primeira (from Two, One)
Última Delícia do Casal Carvalho (Last Delight of the Carvalho Couple)
Último Vaqueiro (Last Cowboy)
Um Dois Três de Oliveira Quatro (One Two Three Oliveira Four)
Veneza Americana do Recife (Recife, the American Venice)
Vicente Mais ou Menos de Souza (more or less)
Vitória Carne e Osso (flesh and bones)
Muito engraçado.
Poxa Regina, nao consigo para de rir. Incrivel ! Me sinto verdadeiramente inferiorizado, tendo chamado meus dois filhos de Daniel e Cristina. Que falta de imaginacao a minha
Pois é, eu também não fui muito criativa, chamei a minha de Luisa. O esquisito na família é o irmão dela, Zev Ubu, mas este é americano e eu não tenho nada a ver com o nome dele!
how can you leave out the soccer player Creedence Clearwater Couto!?!? When I lived in Garanhuns there was a kid named Jonleno (mom must have been a Beatles fan)
Oh, my, I love it, Daniel! This name is a keeper!