Nova Friburgo in the 19th Century – photos from Dom Pedro II collection

Cascata do Pinel, Pinel's Waterfall

Settled by 2,000 Swiss immigrants in the northern mountains of the state of Rio, Nova Friburgo has a vague alpine feel that attracts tourists since the 19th century, as you can see in these pictures that belonged to Dom Pedro II, an avid photo collector. They were probably taken by Henschel and Benque, two “Imperial photographers”. You can see other images of this collection at the National Library website.

And, for the record: in the beginning of this year, very heavy rains killed several people in Nova Friburgo. The city is still recovering.


Fonte do Suspiro /Fountain of Sighs
The chalet that belonged to the Baron of São Clemente


Instituto Hidrotherápico, probably a hydrothermal therapy clinic
Train station
The Leuenroth hotel


Rio Grande valley and the train station

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