This documentary, produced in 2008 by journalists Adriana Caitano and Galton Sé, is a great overview of Forró Pé-de-Serra movement. It shows how traditional forró – the big balls originally from the Northeast region – became popular among the young middle class of Brasília and the Southern cities, far from its origins. Played mostly with three instruments – triangle, zabumba drum and accordion -, it mixes a bunch of rhythms, such as baião, coco, quadrilha, xaxado and xote. Forró Pé-de-Serra is celebrated every year in three major yearly festivals – Rootstock (in São Paulo), RioRoots (in Rio) e Festival Nacional de Forró de Itaúnas (ES).
If you need English subtitles, look for the “cc” caption button on the bottom of the video.
Check also: The kings of Baião
Isso e beleza pura pura! Eu amore Forro!