The spooky American tradition of carving pumpkins and dressing as witches or vampires was totally ignored by Brazilians till five or ten years ago. But it is gaining popularity – and creating a cultural war. A group called MV-Brasil (Movimento de Valorização da Cultura) has been organizing protests against the celebration of the Halloween in the city of Rio since 2003. They distribute hundreds of posters that display nationalistic and religious arguments. The same group also protested against the construction of a small replica of the Statue of Liberty in front of a mall in the rich Tijuca neighborhood.
Something similar happened in France when the EuroDisney was opened close to Paris. Local intellectuals claimed that American imperialism was prevailing over the local traditions. And, indeed, the theme park didn’t make any efforts to adapt to the French way of life. Its restaurants would offer beer, for instance, and no wine. Huge faux-pas in the homeland of Cabernet.
While MV-Brasil seems to react out of anger and xenophobia, another Brazilian group found a creative and funny way of fighting against the celebration of Halloween. Since 2003, the city of São Paulo has been promoting on October 31st the “Saci Day”. Saci is a folk character that sums up the country’s three main influences. He is a one-legged black boy that carries a pipe (typical among Native Brazilians) and a red berret (originally used by Portuguese immigrants). There is even an organization created by those who believe in sacis, Sosaci. I am a total fan of this adorable trickster, always pulling the tails of cows or spoiling milk. So, I am biased – I suppose I will just wear a Saci outfit for Halloween this year.
You have to love the shirts saying not Sale but Promocão etc etc. I think they are so funny. I bought one for myself.
I didn´t know they protested the statue in Barra. That´s funny! I agree that it´s crazy to have that down there. Barra is nothing like NY, must closer to Miami. Should have a statue of JLo instead
Great, Rachel! Barra is Miami – and Posto 6 is Miami Beach.
MV Brasil is a flat-out lunatic fringe. The leader, Wagner, believes in the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and Aryanism and will tell anyone who cares to listen that the Jews have taken over the U.S. and THAT’S why Brazil needs to watch out when it comes to American culture.
MV Brasil, in short, is a not-very-funny band of racist, anti-semitic xenophobes who should be ignored. Thankfully, they don’t have much of a popular base in Brazil.
I thought they were more like inoffensive lunatics, but apparently they are definitely more rabid and evil. Ugly!