Any philatelist can tell you that there is much more to stamps than meets the eye.
This week Correios (the state-owned company responsible for the Brazilian postal service) released a stamp depicting former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. It is legal to pay that type of homage to people who are still alive, if they won a Nobel prize or an Olympic golden medal. Or if they are former presidents. Naturally, some complained that Lula was into some sort of self-praising.
Anyways, presidential stamps have some interesting stories behind them. My favorite: in October 1945, Correios produced a stamp depicting president Getúlio Vargas and his Argentinian counterpart, Justo de Urquiza, that were inaugurating a bridge between the two countries. What happened is, just a few days after its distribution began, Vargas was deposed. The stamp was censored and had to be canceled. It became a praised collector’s item.
Check below a few other stamps depicting former Brazilian presidents.

Tancredo Neves’ vice-president, who assumed office after his death in 1985, was José Sarney, not Itamar Franco.
Itamar was Fernando Collor’s vice-president, and assumed office in 1992 when Collor was impeached by the Congress.
Shame on me! Of course you are right, Rafael. I am changing this right now.