Art Gallery A collective exposition of the best of Brazilian art, from baroque sculptures to graffiti, from naïf to Modernist. The images lead to the artist individual expo. "War Anatomy"/ Flavio Shiró "Meteor"/Bruno Giorgi "Bororo Indian"/Hercules Florence "Inocência"/Eliseu Visconti "Self Portrait"/Tarsila do Amaral "Presentation Mantle"/ Arthur Bispo do Rosário "Mudança de Sertanejo"/ J. Borges Favela chair"/Campana Brothers "Navio de Emigrantes"/Lasar Segall Alex Vallauri "Carpet-style Tilework in Live Flesh"/Adriana Varejão "Abigail"/ Di Cavalcanti "O Derrubador Brasileiro"/Almeida Júnior "Graça"/Victor Brecheret Highraff "Lampião"/Mestre Vitalino "Anjo"/Aleijadinho